Irrigation or Microsuction for Ear Wax Removal?
Posted on 31st May 2023 at 09:21
At Clear Hear our Ear Wax Removal appointments offer Micro-Suction, Ear Irrigation and Manual Extraction.
Aswell as providing ear wax removal, Charmain is also a fully qualified audiologist, having worked in her field for over 35 years in both the NHS and private practice. The last 19 years have been with her own practice, Clear Hear. This allows Charmain a wealth of clinical knowledge and expertise to draw upon.
Every patient is an individual, we take a detailed ear history to highlight any issues that can suggest a certain procedure is more, or less, appropriate. Different procedures can be used to achieve the best results, and in some cases, a specific procedure could be contraindicated due to the risk to the patient (see example below).

Recently a patient visited Charmain; during the consultation he mentioned that he had surgery over 25 years ago, as a child. He couldn’t remember what the surgery was, but his Mum told him he had a growth in his ear removed.
On examination, Charmain could see a metal hook was attached to the first ossicle, the malleus. The metal rod was acting as a prosthesis to replicate the ossicular movement.
From her NHS Audiology experience, Charmain thought that this gentleman must have had a cholesteatoma (a small growth usually found in the attic of the middle ear). Due to it's location, so near to the brain, it is classed as dangerous. It can also abolish the middle ear ossicles, which had happened in this man's case.
Charmain was able to show inside the ear using a video otoscope, and even gave her patient photos to show his mum. She was amazed that the surgery was still working 25 years on.
The thorough medical history, that was taken prior to extraction, indicated to Charmain why irrigation was an absolute NO NO for this patient. If this had been attempted she could not imagine the damage that would have been caused. Alternatively, she chose to use micro suction, and successfully removed all ear wax debris without any complication.
With EVERY ear wax removal, whether it be irrigation or micro suction, Charmain always wears microscope lenses, to ensure every patient's safety throughout the procedure.
To book an appointment for a hearing test or ear wax removal, click HERE or call 0800 731 8545.
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